Ok…a little background first. I decided a while back that I needed to build an outfeed table for my tablesaw so I could handle large 4′ x 8′ panels by myself a little easier. Well, I finally got around to starting on it. I bought some nice birch plywood to build it out of. The first portion of the table needed to be glued up and clamped. Anyway, the glue that I was using needed 50 degrees or higher temps for it to properly cure….so, I cut my plywood, brought it into my kitchen, glued it and clamped it.
Day two: The first chunk of the outfeed table is still in the place it was the night before…on my kitchen floor on newspapers. The glue is now dry but I haven’t had a chance to move it. I’m in the living room checking my email and I hear the tell-tale sound of the cat….puking….in the kitchen. He has a thing for yaking on our rugs – especially when they’ve just came out of the dryer and are nice and clean. I proceded to go out to the kitchen, expecting to have to throw a rug in the washing machine. NO….HELL NO… Instead, that little S.O.B. puke directly on my glued up panel I had sitting on the floor. The real great thing was that the side with the countersunk screw holes is the one facing up…and the one he puked on. So, not only do I have cat puke on a nice piece of cabinet grade plywood….I have cat puke in the little countersunk screw holes….which, let me tell you, is just a JOY to clean out! $#*&@!!$#%^ CAT!!!! He was banished to the basement after that little incident for a couple hours.